Wednesday, June 2, 2010

OJT at MCIA (public affairs)

On-Job-Training is probably the most epic thing a student needs to do. Specially when you're assigned at the information booth in Mactan Cebu International Airport, like me. This is what we usually do there:

☺Page or announce random names.
☺Call 15-20 person for reminders. (Phone call)
☺Cut newspapers that talks about MCIA.
☺and random tasks that involves walking.

Yeah it is very pathetic. But now i'm sick, and totally loving it rather than staying at the airport doing nothing but standing and walking. *LoL*

But I hope soon this training will help me become what my parents expects me to be...

A Flight Attendant...............................................BUMMER. I want to be a rockstar and not this!! JK ^_^

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