Love there song. Really awesome. No, im not being just..... OK i am.. :)
"You may think you're clever, but you're not..You better get the coffins out..Trust me kid that's where you're sleeping tonight" -this is usually the part where people scream
"emptiness has darkened my eyes as I hopelessly beg for my life to end...tell me why???" -tilting the hourglass
"I can't explain what's happening inside of me...I refuse to fight you anymore..All I know is I have to make sure...make sure you never wake up again" -goodbye, goodnight..for good
"no one ever said that life was fair and I'm not saying that it should knowing that you are where you want to be and I'm not comes as no surprise...but don't expect me to be happy for you and don't smile at me and tell me things will work out for me too..I don't want your pity... I hate your pity" -congratulation, i hate you